1676 / 1700, Bursa

1676 / 1700, Bursa

121 cm (length)
6.8 kg (weight)
67.5 cm (width)
Production time
Production place
Type of object


Cushions played an important role in furnishing Ottoman houses. They were often faced with velvet woven with self-contained patterns. The weavers showed great originality in adapting the repertory of textile designs to the rectangular shape. In the 17th century, large numbers of these covers were also exported to Europe. Jameel Gallery Cushion Cover Turkey, probably Bursa 1650-1700 Cushions played an important role in furnishing Ottoman houses. They were often faced with velvet woven with self-contained patterns. The weavers showed great originality in adapting the repertory of textile designs to the rectangular shape. In the 17th century, large numbers of these covers were also exported to Europe. Silk velvet Museum no. 4061-1856 [Jameel Gallery] Cushion cover, Turkey (probably Bursa), 1650-1700.