1626 / 1675, Flanders

1626 / 1675, Flanders

Transfer of custody
MFA Boston
About 1909, Lenygon and Co., London. Ruth Simpkins (Mrs. Bayard) Thayer (b. 1864 - d. 1940), Boston; by descent to her daughter, Mabel Thayer (Mrs. Richard C.) Storey (b. 1908), South Hamilton, MA; 1969, gift of Mrs. Storey to the MFA. (Accession Date: June 11, 1969) / Gift of Mrs. Richard C. Storey in memory of her mother, Mrs. Bayard Thayer
403 cm (height)
481 cm (width)
Production time
Production place
Type of object


This tapestry is one in a series dealing with landscapes and animals. The setting is a forest with a valley and church in background. A fox with dead cock is in center foreground with other animals around them. Columns form side borders; winged putti with swags of fruit form top, botton borders. Right guard band has town mark of Enghien and mark of merchant-weaver Henderick Vander Camen. Lower guard band has name "HENDERICK VANDER CAMEN." Repairs in silks throughout.