1775 / 1800, Azerbaijan

1775 / 1800, Azerbaijan

87 cm (length)
91 cm (width)
Production time
Production place
Type of object


Cover, Turkestan. Plain weave cotton embroidered with silk in surface darning on the diagonal and running stitch. The design was drawn onto the back of the fabric with ink. Directional design: a faded red 8-pointed star in the centre containing a light blue and white blossom at the bottom, 2 horizontal tulips, a pair of curling leaves on either side of a central blue stem which leads into a blue blossom; there is a yellow bird either side of it and curving leaves come from the back of each bird. A straight diagonal stem links these to a repeat of the lowest light blue and white blossom. Surrounding the star are 4 angular sections with a light brown ground and faded red outer border. Each contains a central blossom and a pair of tulips. This arrangement leaves 4 light blue corner segments each containing a blossom and a pair of leaves. The border has a yellow ground with light brown S-shaped motifs alternating with a pink Z-shaped motif with a horizontal light blue pointed cartouche and a pair of green diagonal leaves. Embroidery threads: 2S silk; white, black, yellow, green, light blue, light brown, faded red, olive green, blue, dark red, light yellow. NOTE: there are distinctly Ottoman elements in the design. See also Circ.746-1912 and T.38-1940 for similar designs. Middle East, Textile; Panel, silk-embroidered cotton, design of eight-pointed star with stylised birds, lotus flowers and tulips, Azerbaijan or NW Iran, 1775-1800