Wedding favour made of wax, cloth, paper, wire and silk satin ribbon, Great Britain, 1889
Myrtle and orange-blossom spray
Wax, cloth, paper and silk ribbon
Worn by Ella Alston for her wedding, 1889
Given by Mrs V.I. Lewin
V&A: T.266A-1971 [2011]
Wedding favour made of wax, cloth, paper, wire and cream silk satin ribbon. Spray of imitation orange blossom and myrtle flowers made of wax and cloth, green paper leaves on wires, and decorated with cream satin ribbon.
Wedding favours were small mementoes that were handed out to close friends, relatives, and others connected to the wedding. At Queen Victoria's wedding in 1840, The Times reported upon the wedding favours given to the guests:
"Every lady exhibited a white favour, some of which were admirable specimens of refined taste. They were of all sizes, many of white satin riband, tied up into bows and mixed with layers of rich silver lace. Others merely of riband intermixed with sprigs of orange flower blossom."
By 1840, imitation orange blossom was a popular trimming for weddings. This wedding favour is on a less grand scale than Queen Victoria's favours. However, the concept is similar in that it features wax and cloth orange blossoms and myrtle flowers tied up with cream silk satin ribbon.