1873~, Coventry

Bequeathed by Miss E. J. Bowden
Carried out by
Stevens, Thomas (http://data.silknow.org/activity/designer)
23.200000762939453 cm (length)
160 cm (length)
33 cm (width)
7 cm (width)
Production time
Production place
Type of object


Pair of sashes of woven silk and metal threads, made by Thomas Stevens, Coventry, ca. 1873 Pair of sashes of woven silk and metal threads. Green silk with a Jacquard woven device depicting the arms of the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly Society, and above are clouds and an eye radiating beams of light, and below are female figures encircling around the globe around which is a red band inscribed 'Unity Benevolence and Concord'. At the bottom is written 'ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS'. Above and below the woven design are an applied cross and star made with silk and metal thread. The centres of both are thickly padded and from each hangs a single tassel. With a small tie of green silk ribbon attached to one selvedge.