1580 / 1589, Brussels

1580 / 1589, Brussels

Carried out by
Herzeele, Joost van (http://data.silknow.org/activity/designer)
222.5 cm (height)
224.7 cm (height)
222 cm (length)
134 cm (length)
133.1 cm (length)
225.8 cm (length)
18.5 kg (weight)
134.2 cm (width)
131.8 cm (width)
Production time
Production place
Type of object


Tapestry with Contarini Arms, Brussels, 1580s 14 warp threads to inch. J.V.H. cipher, lower right galloon. This tapestry is woven with the arms of the Contarini, one of the most distinguished ruling families in Venice for several hundred years. It exemplifies the taste of Venetians for surrounding themselves in their city homes with garden and pastoral scenes. The museum has five tapestries in the set. This one shows a woodland glade with horsemen. It is an entre-fenetre, intended to be hung between windows. Tapestry: a woodland glade with horsemen late 16th-early 17th century Brussels Wool and silk Arms of the Contarini family of Venice in the top border. Cipher: J. V. H., lower right galloon, attributed to Joost van Herzeele or Jan van den Hecke. Brussels mark. V&A:130A-1869 NB: this label is incorrect: date should be 'before 1589' [5 Oct 2006 - 7 Jan 2007]