1790, United Kingdom

1790, United Kingdom

97 cm (circumference)
60 cm (length)
0.32 kg (weight)
Production time
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Type of object


Man's waistcoat with a 1⅜-inch (3.5 cm) standing collar, revers, welted pockets, straight fronts and hems, hip length. The fronts, collar, pocket welts and revers are made of cotton with plain weave and figured stripes. The fronts and pockets are lined with linen. The waistcoat is embroidered-to-shape with silk floss in white, yellow and shades of pink, purple, blue and green, in a pattern of roses and pansies, on the collar, revers and pocket welts, and along the front edges and hems. There are 13 borders for buttonholes along the left front edge, the lower 11 have been worked and cut, with an additional 10 buttonholes added in between. There are 17 embroidered buttons on the right front edge. The waistcoat was altered in the 19th century, probably for theatre costume; the back was replaced and the left pocket opening stitched closed. Man's waistcoat, 1790s, British; striped cotton, embroidered coloured silks, floral motifs, pansies, altered 1870-1895